Unmasking the Hedonic Treadmill’s New Player: Artificial Intelligence

Yogesh Malik
Future Monger
Published in
4 min readOct 21, 2023


How AI Amplifies Desires to Unprecedented Levels

Image created by author

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful force that shapes various aspects of our lives.

From personal assistants to recommendation algorithms, AI has seamlessly integrated into our daily routines.

However, its influence extends far beyond convenience and efficiency. AI has now become an active participant in the intricate workings of our minds, particularly in relation to the hedonic treadmill phenomenon.

Understanding the Hedonic Treadmill:

Let’s quickly grasp the concept of the hedonic treadmill. The hedonic treadmill theory suggests that humans have a baseline level of happiness or contentment, and regardless of external circumstances, they tend to return to this baseline after experiencing positive or negative events.

This phenomenon explains why obtaining things we desire or achieving success often fails to provide long-lasting happiness. AI’s integration into this equation introduces new dynamics that alter the treadmill’s pace and trajectory.

AI’s Role in Amplifying Desires:

AI operates on vast amounts of data, analyzing patterns and understanding human preferences. By employing machine learning algorithms, AI can personalize recommendations and target individuals with precision.

From online shopping platforms suggesting products based on previous purchases to social media platforms curating content tailored to our interests, AI creates a customized ecosystem that feeds our desires.

This personalized approach magnifies the allure of consumption, as AI fine-tunes its strategies to match our preferences, creating a feedback loop of heightened desires.

The Feedback Loop Effect:

AI’s ability to collect data and analyze user behavior contributes to a feedback loop that perpetuates the hedonic treadmill.

As AI systems learn more about our preferences and behaviors, they optimize their algorithms to deliver increasingly targeted recommendations.
This results in a constant stream of stimuli aimed at fulfilling our desires, creating a cycle where desires are constantly stimulated, satisfied, and stimulated again.

The hedonic treadmill, once subject to the limitations of human cognition, is now accelerated by AI-driven algorithms, making it difficult to step off the proverbial treadmill.

The relentless pursuit of desires fueled by AI can lead to increased materialism, financial strain, and a sense of perpetual dissatisfaction

Implications on Well-being:

While AI-driven personalization enhances convenience and delivers tailored experiences, it also poses potential risks to our well-being.

The relentless pursuit of desires fueled by AI can lead to increased materialism, financial strain, and a sense of perpetual dissatisfaction.

Moreover, the constant exposure to personalized content may contribute to echo chambers, narrowing our perspectives and limiting our exposure to diverse ideas.

The proliferation of AI-curated desires could lead to a potential dilution of authentic happiness. As we become accustomed to the instant gratification AI provides, we may overlook the deeper, more profound sources of happiness.

We might lose sight of the joy derived from nurturing relationships, personal growth, and genuine achievements. Instead, our happiness becomes contingent on AI-provided experiences and material acquisitions.

As desires continue to be amplified by AI, finding contentment and genuine satisfaction outside of the treadmill becomes a greater challenge.

Finding Balance in the AI Era:

As AI becomes an integral part of our lives, it is crucial to approach its influence with mindfulness and balance.

Recognizing the role of AI in amplifying desires is the first step toward reclaiming agency over our well-being.

Actively engaging in self-reflection and questioning our motivations can help us separate genuine needs from artificial desires.

Setting boundaries and consciously limiting our exposure to AI-driven stimuli can also foster a healthier relationship with technology.

Top 5 Unanswered Questions:

  1. How precisely does AI contribute to the alteration of the hedonic treadmill’s pace and trajectory, and what specific mechanisms are at play?
  2. What are the long-term psychological and societal consequences of the relentless pursuit of desires fueled by AI?
  3. To what extent does AI-driven personalization contribute to the formation of echo chambers and limit exposure to diverse ideas?
  4. How can individuals effectively set boundaries and consciously limit their exposure to AI-driven stimuli in a world where AI is increasingly integrated into daily life?
  5. Can emotional intelligence be successfully integrated into AI systems to mitigate potential negative impacts on well-being and help individuals find a balance in the AI era?

The hedonic treadmill may have a new player in the form of AI, but it’s within our power to manage this interaction.

By acknowledging the amplification of our desires through AI, understanding its potential impact, and implementing emotional intelligence into AI systems, we can control the speed of our hedonic treadmill

By recognizing the influence of AI, setting boundaries, and cultivating self-awareness, we can strive for a more balanced and fulfilling existence in the AI era.



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