Man has, as it were, become a kind of prosthetic God. When he puts on all his auxiliary organs he is truly magnificent; but those organs have not grown on to him and they still give him much trouble at times.

Sigmund Freud

Prosthetic God

The phrase “Man has, as it were, become a kind of prosthetic God” is attributed to Sigmund Freud in his work “Civilization and Its Discontents”.

The prosthetic Gods refer to the various tools and technologies that humans use to enhance their abilities, such as computers, smartphones, and other devices that have become an integral part of our lives.

These prosthetics can be seen as an extension of our bodies and minds, allowing us to perform tasks more efficiently and connect with others in new ways.

Let’s Pick One Example

In today’s world, with the increased reliance on technology, one practical example of humans functioning as “prosthetic Gods” can be seen in the development of wearable devices for healthcare monitoring.

These devices enable individuals to track and analyze their vital signs and daily activities, seamlessly integrating technology with their bodies.

By continuously monitoring health metrics such as heart rate, sleep patterns, or activity levels, individuals gain unprecedented control over their well-being.

This fusion of technology and human capability empowers people to make informed decisions, take preventative actions for better health, and effectively manage their own bodies like never before.

Increased Personal Agency

Continuing the same example, wearable devices provide users with valuable data and insights into various facets of their lives, including health and well-being.

By having access to such information, individuals gain more control over their daily activities, lifestyle choices, and overall personal development. Wearable devices act as a personal assistant that facilitates self-awareness and empowers users to actively manage their health.

With these devices, individuals have more power and control over themselves, transforming healthcare from a reactive, doctor-centered approach to a proactive, patient-centered model.

Increased personal agency via wearables serves to promote self-efficacy, as individuals feel more equipped with timely and accessible data to leverage for making personalized lifestyle changes.

Metaphorical Divine Status — Unleashing Prosthetic Intelligence

Let’s discuss more examples —

The progress of space travel and exploration

  • Through technological advancements, humans have ventured beyond Earth, conquering the vastness of outer space.
  • The concept of “Man has, as it were, become a kind of prosthetic God” is reflected in our ability to transcend terrestrial boundaries, examining distant planets, stars, and galaxies.
  • The audacious quest for knowledge and colonization of space echoes the god-like aspirations of crafting our existence, defying limitations, and expanding human capabilities to conquer the cosmic realm.

Creation and utilization of artificial intelligence (AI)

  • As humans pioneer the field of AI, creating machines with impressive cognitive capacities, we witness a manifestation of “prosthetic intelligence.”
  • AI technologies possess capabilities for understanding, processing immense amounts of information, learning, and making decisions.
  • Imparting agency to non-biological beings pushes the boundaries of divine creativity, suggesting our ability to impart god-like rationality and problem-solving abilities upon machines, in turn influencing and reshaping society.

Power of genetic manipulations

  • The emergence of genetic engineering techniques has provided newfound abilities to modify the very essence of what it means to be Alive-alluding tremendously to our prosthetic God status.
  • Scientists can manipulate DNA to cure genetic diseases, enhance desired characteristics, and potentially design entirely new organisms.
  • Controlling such fundamental aspects of life signifies humans’ god-like potential to alter and craft the very building blocks of existence.

Blurring Humans — Navigating the Blurred Line Between Authenticity and Artificial

  • Surgically implanted technology representing a person’s sexual preferences and orientations has posed new ethical questions and blurred the line between biology and identity.

With advances in biotechnology, individuals can potentially modify their physical characteristics and “customize” their sexuality, challenging traditional conceptions of what it means to be human and forcing us to reevaluate social constructs.

  • Virtual reality advancements have given rise to experiences that allow individuals to reproduce sensations from touch to smell in fully-immersive digital environments.

This convergence between the virtual and physical worlds blurs the boundaries between what is real and what is augmented, challenging our understandings of human perception and how we navigate our surroundings.

  • With the rise of artificial intelligence, human-like robots are being developed, raising fundamental questions about what it means to be human and the essence of consciousness.

As these humanoid robots approximate human behaviors and interact with us more seamlessly, it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish between genuine and artificial emotions, causing further blurring between humans and machines.


  • The Rising popularity of #biohacking represents a further example of humans taking on a god-like role in crafting their existence. Biohacking involves individuals attempting to self-modify their bodies through various technological interventions, such as implantable devices, neural enhancement, or experimenting with genetic modifications.

With this fervent desire to enhance and transcend their biological limitations, individuals are moving towards melding themselves with the technical, essentially striving to become a hybrid species that elevates the possibilities of human existence and redefines the boundaries of what it means to be alive.

Future Implications with AGI:

As we delve into the realm of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), we uncover the potential for near-omniscience, enabling unprecedented problem-solving on a global scale.

  • Near-Omniscience:
    AGI, a hypothetical AI with the ability to understand, learn, and apply its intelligence to any intellectual task that a human being can, could offer almost limitless access to knowledge and information processing capabilities.
  • Problem-Solving at a New Scale:
    With AGI, complex global issues such as climate change, poverty, or even interstellar travel might become solvable, reflecting a level of power and capability traditionally ascribed to divine entities.
  • Ethical and Moral Challenges:
    The advent of AGI could place humanity in a position where it has to make decisions that have profound impacts on life, ecosystems, and the planet — choices that might be considered as playing a ‘god-like’ role.

However, this newfound power also ushers in a host of ethical and moral challenges, prompting us to grapple with decisions akin to those of divine entities

Philosophical and Ethical Considerations:

  • Human Identity and Purpose:
    As technology assumes roles and responsibilities that were once uniquely human, there is a philosophical question about what it means to be human and where our value lies.
  • Responsibility and Control:
    With great power comes great responsibility. The ‘prosthetic god’ metaphor raises ethical questions about how such power should be wielded, who should wield it, and the implications of potentially omnipotent technology without sufficient wisdom or ethical guidance.

On God and Consciousness

Gradually, our inner consciousness, which observes both our surroundings and inner thoughts, will adapt to AI-driven technologies. We cannot halt the development of this immensely powerful and god-like AI system we continue to create.

While we recognize the benefits of AI superintelligence, a pressing question remains: “To what extent will this AI possess consciousness?” It’s possible that human consciousness is only partial and relatively higher than that of animals, trees, and stones; and eventually it will be AGI that will redefine our understanding of consciousness.

No god will hinder you from constructing a God-like AI system with limitless capabilities. However, it will be your responsibility if you employ that AI to endorse or challenge the notion of God’s existence.

On Death and Immortality

We can never entirely overcome death anxiety, it is always there hidden somewhere in the deepest corner of our subconscious mind.

The way we think about death has changed a lot, and now technology is saying that death is optional and solvable

You won’t be limited to your biological, carbon-based existence, so embrace your universal entitlement to an extended lifespan and leave behind thoughts of expiration

→ In The Past — Death Was Great
Death once held a positive view: it was seen as gentle and kind — capable of alleviating human despair and setting people free.

Contemplating death was thought to enhance life’s quality, fostering compassion and humility by bringing life’s journey and regrets to the forefront of the mind.

Awareness of mortality altered one’s relationship with the universe and brought inner reflection. Death marked the end of sorrow and the start of an extraordinary sense of beauty.

→ Now — Death Is Bad
Our perspective on death has shifted. In modern times, we’ve separated it from life, fearing it as an unknown end. Yet, this fear arises from our unwillingness to surrender.

Understanding that death is a natural part of life helps us overcome this fear and attain a form of immortality

→ Future — Death Will Be Wrong
Is it possible to make death optional? Silicon Valley is striving to cure death and reverse aging with AI-based medical innovations. It’s a pursuit to extend life, not through prayer but through work.

Transhumanist Party candidate Istvan believes we can overcome death, seeking to make Americans immortal.

Death: A Real Enemy or Just a Technical Glitch

Death never made sense to Larry Ellison, founder of Oracle; and for the most famous investor Peter Thiel, death is the “great enemy” of humankind. Can technology contribute to the end of the death?

Istvan, Trans-humanist Party candidate says Death is horrible, we need to get around it. He wishes to make Americans immortal.

Cloning, cyborgs, genetic enhancements, mind uploading (Digital Self), synthetic organs, and artificial blood will collectively usher in the era of digital immortality.

The initial phase of HealthTech innovation will focus on “reverse aging” and “life extension,” while the subsequent stage will address the concept of “curing death.”

The Price of Immortality: Wealth, Health, and Space Colonization

Biological aging will become entirely preventable and treatable, rendering death optional. If you can reach the year 2050, the possibility of living indefinitely emerges.

While the exact cost remains uncertain, the increasing affordability of 3D printing and the availability of digital cloud storage for mind uploading offer promising solutions.

Rather than prioritizing the treatment of the poor and sick, this advancement predominantly benefits the wealthy and healthy.

Those with substantial wealth may even consider inhabiting multiple bodies and preparing for the prospect of relocating to another disease-free planet, as some technology elites are discussing the colonization of other planets through technological advancements for our benefit.

Let’s conclude — This build-up of technology-integrated practices blurs the line between the natural and artificial, escalates human potential for self-improvement, and allows individuals to exert unprecedented control over their lives.

As humans continue to embrace transformative technologies, the inseparability between humanity and technology raises profound questions about ethics, morality, and the evolving nature of being human in modern times.



Exponential Thinker, Lifelong Learner #Digital #Philosophy #Future #ArtificialIntelligence